Saturday, July 21, 2007

A Sacred Wedding Ceremony--Outdoors!

Amidst the sweet smell of the pines and firs, the very special energy of Mt. Shasta brings a blessing to all who honor this power spot in the far northern portion of California.

Are you thinking of getting married? Or know someone who is? The unusual variety of select places that abound around the meadows, forests -- yes, even in the snow on the mountain itself makes McCloud, Dunsmuir, Mt. Shasta City, and Weed the very best place. An example was a wedding on the upper snowy slopes on New Year’s Day, with bright blue sky, the bride and groom, two witnesses, the Reverend, and a boom box playing Pacabel Cannon.

In choosing the sacred ceremony, the bride and groom may add or subtract verses of choice. Both meet with me for about an hour sometime before the wedding day. A profound experience is usually felt by participants who can honestly tell each other truths about their relationship.

There are many beautiful spots to choose from. Mt. Shasta Resort is a favorite, for both outdoor and indoor weddings. Here is one of the best views of the mountain for your background. Often our Bed & Breakfasts are set up for weddings. Then there are lakes (I've done a ceremony on a raft on Castle Lake) and, of course, the mountain itself has infinite nooks, hideaways, brooks and meadows.

If there is one or more children who will join with a new parent coming into the family, A Joining Ceremony is held for all, before the wedding itself, thus giving the newcomers a welcoming that perhaps could save hours of family therapy later.

The fee for all this? Whatever gratuity you choose, knowing that you are investing in your marriage…it all comes back to you! Delight in the splendor of Mt. Shasta, as well as in the many exciting adventures you will share together; not as one, but as the pillars of a temple stand apart, supporting the roof together, so shall you.
Spiritual Counseling Center,
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